Thursday, August 12, 2010

Producer-Direct Resources

I've been very busy lately attempting to preserve the season's abundance before the rains start to fall, and fresh produce becomes scarce for the winter months. It appears I am becoming more like the ant, and less like the grasshopper, in my advancing age. The unfortunate result of this ongoing productive activity is a decrease in update frequency as well as a slowdown on big dinners.
I'm still living the values of the Corner Table with every sip of pure Vancouver water I take, with every bite of locally produced ambrosia I consume, and am even more active with my interest in educating the community about food-related issues, and I pray for our message to reach more and more of our neighbors as the seasons change.
It becomes increasingly important for us to share not only ideas, but resources and contacts with one another. I have begun a small list of links to organizations and individuals I have been dealing with in my culinary crusade, people whose fine work can be found on my pantry shelves, and in my freezer and frying pans. Please send me an email, and share your sources and resources with me, and we can strengthen our agri-cultural community with each other. Soon enough, I will share stories and photos of my food storage activites. Bon Sante.

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